More Than One Surgical Procedure at A Time?
Aug 18, 2014 | Categories: Plastic Surgery.
Can I have more than one surgical procedure at a time? Usually the answer is yes. The factors that determine what procedures can be done in combination usually relate to your safety. The issues that are always considered for a particular combination of procedures are as follows: your overall health condition, the duration of the procedure.
Male Cosmetic Surgery
Apr 21, 2014 | Categories: Male Cosmetic Surgery.
Every year more men are looking forward to cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance. We often receive calls from men asking, “Does Dr. Singer only conduct surgery on women?” “Do men get plastic surgery too?” There is a very simple answer to these questions – YES!
Abdominoplasty: “Tummy Tuck”
Nov 18, 2013 | Categories: Tummy Tuck.
Have you considered a tummy tuck? Wondered if it were right for you? Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck,” is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. Following a large weight loss or pregnancy.
Pain, Swelling, & Sensitivity after Breast Augmentation – What Can I Expect?
Nov 14, 2013 | Categories: Breast Augmentation.
Pain after surgery is expected and normal. Not is the pain only due to the surgery itself, but also to the muscle’s response to the presence of the implant. If the implant is under the muscle, the muscle has to stretch, which is also painful, (like doing the splits). Pain pills (analgesics) and muscle relaxants will help reduce the pain.
Breast Augmentation – What Can I Expect?
Nov 11, 2013 | Categories: Breast Augmentation.
It takes about 3 weeks to feel like yourself again. Usually one day after surgery, my patients come into the office so I can remove their initial dressing, and put them in a post-operative bra, which clips in the front, making it easier to maneuver and put on or take off. Once the large surgical dressing is off, you can apply ice to the chest to help with swelling and any discomfort.
Do You Have Excess Skin on Your Upper Arms?
Aug 26, 2013 | Categories: Brachioplasty.
Do you have excess skin on your upper arms that droops? Do you find that no matter how hard you work out at the gym it doesn’t go away? In these cases, an Arm Lift (or a Brachioplasty) might be appropriate.